GFI LanGuard 12.9 is available for download.
- Release date: 2023-05-11
- Release version: 12.9
1.1 Changes in this release
1.1.1 New
Upgrade Apache httpd to version 2.4.55
1.1.2 Fixed issues
Agent update failures on 12.8, index.txt read as HTTP/1.1.
CMS Sync issues on GFI LanGuard
GFI LanGuard Report shows Users Being Removed and Added Repeatedly
Advanced filtering for specific relays
Filezilla patch 3.61.0 not downloading
Potential false positive detection of the FREAK vulnerability
Too many agent self pings during scans
1.2 License keys
License keys for GFI LanGuard 12 are still supported for GFI LanGuard 12.9 and no key updates are required.
1.3 Upgrades
For information on how to upgrade from the previous version, go to Upgrading GFI LanGuard.