While performing a scan on GFI LanGuard, the following error occurs:
Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on 'Updates'
In the error above, the word 'Updates' references to a section of the Program Updates which provide definitions to the product, such as the Patch Definitions. Usually, this error indicates the lack of permissions on the updates folder, either due to credentials, environmental variables, or the third party product preventing access to the folder.
First of all, make sure that Antivirus and Backup Exclusions are in place.
Next, purge and re-download a fresh copy of the update definitions - that should restore access to the files affected by the read permission errors. Follow the steps in the Updating LanGuard Manually article for a full procedure on removing the current definitions and downloading the latest definitions directly from the update server.
Perform the scan that was having issues and verify whether it completes successfully. If the problem persists, contact LanGuard Support to troubleshoot the issue further.