You want to change the repository folder for the Relay Agent because there is no free space on the relay for caching, something had happened with the currently configured cache folder, or it is just a planned maintenance change.
When a new Relay Agent is installed, LanGuard creates the folder %AgentData%\RelayCache on the Relay computer. Usually, this translates into C:\ProgramData\GFI\LanGuard 12\RelayCache. This cache folder location for the relay agent can be changed from the GFI LanGuard console.
The cached files are locally stored, and the default path can be modified to another local folder but NEVER to a UNC or network path.
- Launch the GFI LanGuard console and go to the Dashboard tab.
- Right-click the Relay Agent in question and choose Properties.
- In the new window, click on the Relays tab, then click Advanced Settings.
- Change the path in the Caching directory field and click on OK.
- Run a Full Scan on the machine.
The folder has a limit size of 10GB, so when the size limit is reached, the system will delete the oldest information, keeping the newest files in the cache.
Verify that the launched full scan completes without encountering issues.