Installed on Windows servers and clients LanGuard Agents keep failing to download program updates, new missing patches and vulnerabilities definitions files. The Activity Monitor and Agent management show failed state for the Agent updating jobs, and the Agent Status message in the LanGuard console Computer Tree reports health issues: "Last update failed" or "Unable to get latest update".
There are several possible root causes for the GFI LanGuard agent failing updates error; most of them are related to the environmental changes or missing requirements. Also, the updated definitions are only provided to the latest versions of the product that are released. If you are not using the latest LanGuard version, Upgrade LanGuard first, and verify whether the error is gone.
One of the common reasons for the Agent update failures is the LanGuard server itself not updating. In the LanGuard console Activity Monitor tab check Program Updates Activity -> GFI LanGuard Updates for the error "Failed to validate the integrity of the file." If you see this error, follow the steps from the Error: 'Failed to validate the integrity of the file' While Running the Update article.
If you see any other errors with LanGuard server updates, Update LanGuard Server Manually and verify whether the error is gone.
Ensure that the required Firewall Ports are open on the target machine(s) with an Agent and on the LanGuard server. Also, the firewall might block outbound connections as well; refer to the Recommended Settings for Best Performance in GFI LanGuard for the relevant configuration guidelines.
Once the settings are ensured to be in place, Perform all the Required Network Connectivity Tests and Verify Security Permissions. Fix all the issues you find during these checks.
Antivirus software can be the cause of the update operations failing, verify and configure proper exclusions.
- In some environments, updates may fail due to low timeout settings. To address this, on the LanGuard server:
- Increase an HTTP timeout setting by editing/adding the following directive in the C:\Program Files (x86)\GFI\LanGuard 12 Agent\Httpd\conf\httpd.conf:
Timeout 600
- Increase the connection timeout.
- Restart the GFI LanGuard XX Attendant service.
- Increase an HTTP timeout setting by editing/adding the following directive in the C:\Program Files (x86)\GFI\LanGuard 12 Agent\Httpd\conf\httpd.conf:
Trigger Agent scan by right-clicking on the target machine in the network tree and selecting Scan > Refresh information now. The Agent will automatically run an update before the scan. Verify the Agent status after the scan finishes.
If the issue persists, Uninstall LanGuard Agent on the target machine and make a fresh Agent Deployment.