While scanning for missing security patches or running another GFI LanGuard vulnerability scan, for some of the target computers the scans are failing with 'Out of memory' errors in the console and log files.
In most cases, the error is caused by the Windows Update Agent (WUA) running out of memory and hence being unable to extract the contents of the wsusscn2.cab file required for Microsoft missing patches detection. On rare occasions, the system being scanned may be running other processes heavily utilizing memory and not allowing the scan to have the necessary resources to complete the operations.
There are several possible solutions to this issue, explained in detail with the exact steps in the Vulnerability Scan Failure: Not enough storage is available to complete this operation article.
In some cases, such unexpected behavior or slow performance can be caused by missing antivirus exclusions or other environmental factors. Please, ensure antivirus exclusions and other Recommended Settings for Best Performance in GFI LanGuard.
Rerun the failing scan. If the issue persists, contact GFI LanGuard Support.