Central Management Server (CMS) reports do not match scan results or LanGuard console reports; CMS reporting does not show the correct vulnerability summary for nodes.
Such discrepancies between the report generated from CMS and the results from the LanGuard console can be caused by the incorrect antivirus exclusions, LanGuard server database issues, or the delayed or failed synchronization between the LanGuard server and CMS, as they have different backend databases.
First, ensure that the required antivirus exclusions are in place, as antivirus interference may lead to all kinds of unexpected discrepancies in results.
Next, it is important to clarify what mismatch we are dealing with here, as this would help pinpoint the possible root causes.
- Scans and remediation jobs may be failing and be unable to provide correct results for the reports. Ensure that the required Firewall Ports are open on the target machine(s) and the LanGuard server.
Once the settings are in place, Perform all the Required Network Connectivity Tests and Verify Security Permissions. Fix all the issues you find during these checks and any errors reported by scans.
- Scanning results upon the scan completion are saved to the LanGuard server backend database (default name LNSSScanresults12). If there is a mismatch between the scan details and LanGuard console Dashboard or Report information, this would indicate the problems with the LanGuard server backend database.
The reason is that the LanGuard console retrieves information on the status of individual machines from the results stored in the database. If there are problems with the database or issues communicating with it, the results would be unreliable and old data will be returned.
In such cases, follow the Maintain the Scan Results Database article to ensure that the backend database is in good shape.
- If there was no mismatch on a previous step, it means that the synchronization between the LanGuard server and the Central Management Server failed or was delayed. Purge the CMS cache and force the synchronization following the Why is the Central Management Server (CMS) Data Not Synchronizing? article.
Rerun the reports and compare the results. If the issue persists, contact GFI LanGuard Support.