The information from scans in the console seems to be static. Nothing ever gets patched, PCs listed show the same missing updates, and the vulnerabilities list never changes.
Scans always returning the same results commonly indicate that the remediation jobs are failing or not set up, or there are issues with program updates.
The updated definitions are only provided to the latest versions of the product that are released. If you are not using the latest LanGuard version - Upgrade the GFI LanGuard.
Environmental changes may be preventing LanGuard from automatically downloading the latest patch detection and vulnerability definitions. Follow the Updating LanGuard Server Manually When Product Does Not Get Latest Definitions or Agents Do Not Update article to ensure you have the most recent definitions.
- Ensure that you have auto-remediation turned on with the correct option configured. Alternatively, you can manually remediate computers, though automatic remediation is recommended.
If auto-remediation is already turned on, but there is no auto-remediation activity in the LanGuard console, refer to the Why is LanGuard not remediating automatically? article.
- Monitor the results of Remediation Operations with the Activity Monitor and address any errors with the corresponding articles from our Knowledge Base.
Run a scan with the auto-remediation turned on, and after it is completed, go to Activity Monitor and verify that the remediation triggered and shows no errors. If the issue persists, contact GFI LanGuard Support.