You may want to know if you can deploy Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio through LanGuard.
LanGuard does not currently support VC Redist packages. If you would like to see this implemented in a future version, you can try Submitting a Feature Request for this functionality.
In the meantime, it is possible to use a workaround:
- Download the latest VC Redist.
- Create a batch file with the following contents:
<installer_file_name> /install /passive /norestart
For example, for the latest x64 installer, the above would be "VC_redist.x64.exe /install /passive /norestart".
- Open the LanGuard Dashboard.
- Deploy the installer file as an auxiliary file, and the batch file as non-auxiliary, according to the Deploying Custom Software on Remote Machines with the GFI LanGuard Server article.
- Restart the target machines after the installation is complete.