Console Scanning
Manual/Interactive scanning Scan results questions Scheduled network audit scans Scheduled scan settings Console scanning failures and detection issues
- Security Applications Supported by GFI LanGuard
- WMI Server: Access is Denied - DCOM hardening
- Does GFI LanGuard flag EOL vulnerabilities?
- Error: "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'Updates'.
- LanGuard does not detect individual Microsoft Office components
- Can LanGuard allow a patch window before displaying vulnerabilities as high importance?
- Can GFI LanGuard detect the log4j vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)?
- Why does the target machine show up in LanGuard with the exclamation mark after the remediation?
- Resolving "Failed to install patch scan pre-requisite" scanning issue
- Why is the Vulnerability Report Not Generating after Vulnerability Scan?
- Resolving "Access is denied" Error when Scanning with Domain Admin Credentials
- Is it possible to add comments inside Scheduled Scan File with computer names?
- Does a scheduled scan override any scan that has been enabled on the agents installed on the computers?
- Can I create a scan schedule that will skip Patch Tuesday week?
- Why am I getting 'A certificate chain processed' error when scanning?
- Resolving the Error '(1,5) Access Denied' when Scanning Computers Manually
- Resolving Errors Leading to GFI LanGuard Scans Failing or Not Completing all the Operations
- Does GFI LanGuard Support the Updates and Patching for Office 365 and Office 2019?
- Resolving the 'Full security applications audit failed' and 'Patch definitions are outdated' Scanning Errors
- Why are the Scans Failing With 'Out of memory' Error?
- Why am I Not Notified by LanGuard of the Latest Microsoft Exchange Build?
- Enabling Security Audit Policies
- Interpreting Manual Scan Results
- Adobe Flash OVAL vulnerabilities for old versions appear in scan results
- Antivirus Not Detected When Scanning
- At least one network discovery method must be enabled!
- Does GFI LanGuard have to be installed on the local network to perform vulnerability scanning?
- Does GFI LanGuard require internet access to scan a network for vulnerabilities?
- During SNMP scanning, device types are changing
- Resolving 'Error 1314: A required privilege is not held by the client' When Scanning or Deploying Patches