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WAN Agent Not Appearing in GFI LanGuard Dashboard


The issue revolves around the Wide Area Network (WAN) agent not appearing in the GFI LanGuard dashboard after being set up on a Windows machine. This problem can persist even after setting up the WAN agent on different machines running various Windows versions. 


When installing a WAN Agent, it is important to exactly follow the installation steps in the attached PDF guide to avoid any unforeseen issues. The troubleshooting steps are as follows for an existing WAN Agent installation facing the issue:

  1. Uninstall the current agent from the machine using the cmd/powershell command: MsiExec.exe /X{160301DE-306A-4ADE-8A47-BC5790AF0486}
  2. Reinstall the agent using the steps in the attached documentation under the section: "Install the Agent on remote machine". The following steps should not be missed.
    1. Download and install VC_redist.x86.exe. This ensures that the Microsoft Visual C++ runtime libraries, which the WAN Agent relies on, are installed. If the system already has the required libraries, the installer will notify you, and you can safely cancel this step.
    2. Download tls12.ps1 and unblock it. Run it in a Powershell editor in administrator mode. This script configures the system by enabling the "Run as Administrator" option for `.msi` files. This step helps ensure you can execute `.msi` files with administrative privileges. Reboot the system before proceeding.


This article provides a solution for the issue of the WAN agent not appearing in the GFI LanGuard dashboard after being set up on a Windows machine. The solution involves uninstalling the current agent, installing certain Microsoft Visual C++ runtime libraries, running a script to enable administrative privileges for .msi files, and reinstalling the agent.


  1. What if the issue persists even after following the steps?
    If the issue persists, provide the LanGuard server log files (ensure debugging is enabled before attempting to reproduce the issue) along with the Agent log files for further analysis.
  2. What does the tls12.ps1 script do?
    This script configures the system by enabling the "Run as Administrator" option for `.msi` files, ensuring you can execute `.msi` files with administrative privileges.
  3. What is the role of VC_redist.x86.exe in this process?
    VC_redist.x86.exe ensures that the Microsoft Visual C++ runtime libraries, which the WAN Agent relies on, are installed on your system.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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