This article provides information on where you can find your license key and details such as the license type, number of nodes, and the expiration date, as well as current usage in the GFI LanGuard dashboard.
For an existing GFI LanGuard installation, you can view your license key as follows:
- Launch the GFI LanGuard console.
- Navigate to Configuration tab.
- On the left hand in the Configurations section click on General to expand it and select Licensing.
If you click on Show details link a new section with the list of licensed computers (nodes) appears presenting the details on nodes licensed to date:
Here you can delete selected computers to free up licenses if needed. For the information on LanGuard licensing details, how the licensing process works, the benefits and risks of removing devices refer to the GFI LanGuard Licensing Details article.
If for some reason you require further assistance in locating your License key, please get in touch with sales@gfi.com or your authorized GFI Reseller.
Priyanka Bhotika